

Within the following pages are the necessary tools to create and use Dragon PC’s in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. While there are too many possibilities to hope to cover them all, the following is an outline of the major pitfalls and opportunities for both PC’s and DM’s when using dragon PC’s.


Every culture has its own mythology of dragons — terrifying serpentine monsters that trigger some of humankind’s oldest and most primitive fears. In modern tales dragons are also keenly intelligent, long-lived, and magical. They lead lesser monsters, breathe elemental destruction upon those who displease them, and even demand sacrifices from mere mortals.

These are the traits of power, in all its forms. Even the dragon’s hoarding of wealth is a representation of a form of power. From a human perspective, dragons are the pinnacle of evolution and the supreme creatures on the material plane.

Dragons agree with this assessment.

Draconic adventures

Myriad dragons inhabit the world, from the lung dragons of the Far East to the dragon turtles of the vast oceans. But ten species in particular stand out: the so-called “true dragons.” The benevolent metallic dragons see themselves as stewards or shepherds, using their might to protect and enlighten lower creatures. Many are curious about humanoids and fond of traveling, and they are more likely to take a direct interest in the magical arts. Despite their kindhearted nature, they are still dragons, proud and miserly.

Metallic dragons can get along well with others and make good player characters. Chromatic dragons are almost universally evil; their greed and malice outmatched only by the foulest of fiends. These are the fearsome villains that terrorize the countryside, slaying for sport and seizing whatever treasures they find.

And yet, there are exceptions; occasionally a chromatic dragon may turn towards the path of good. Some may have a bit of metallic blood in their ancestry, others perhaps had a life altering experience in their youth, or even a religious conversion. These chromatic dragons face a constant struggle against both their own dark nature and the rightfully-placed prejudice of humanoids everywhere. Such a dragon would be wise to join a band of adventurers.

DM’s and PC’s should talk about dragons in the setting you will be playing in before allowing the Wyrmling race and Dragon class. Will dragons be set on by arrows and pitchforks on sight or will a dragon PC be able to speak to wary townsfolk and villagers similar to a Dragonborne or Teifling? Are the metallic dragons looked upon as benevolent guardians or as fearsome beasts that need to be driven off?

Legends and Lairs

Dragons are typically monsters, residing in well guarded lairs, waiting for the PCs to come and slay them for treasure. Yet, there are plenty of tales of dragons taking an active role in the wider world, becoming adventurers themselves. A silver dragon might assume the form of a wood elf to aid in a war against a group of evil dragons. A young gold dragon may travel the world in the guise of an old man, meting out justice. A green dragon may be an agent for a local thieves’ guild — hoping in time to assume control of the whole operation.



Creating A Dragon Character

The biggest question when creating a Dragon player character is: why is a dragon accompanying a bunch of humanoids on their adventures? Are you seeking to build up your treasure hoard, trying to follow your ideals, or just curious about the world?

Starting dragon PCs are young dragons, between one and five years old. The hatchling background supposes that your dragon was raised by humanoids, or has at least spent substantial time around them, so you’re familiar with their languages and customs.

Your choice of dragon species also determines many things about your character’s personality – or at least, determines what other people will think. A metallic dragon may find themselves beseeched by the weak and helpless wherever they go, with expectations of aid and heroism. Chromatic dragons are mostly evil in nature. Evil characters usually don’t make good PCs because their selfishness can cause conflict between party members. A good or neutral chromatic dragon will still face fear, mistrust, or even outright hostility from otherwise-civilized people, until they have proven themselves virtuous.

Powerful Benefits

Spell-Like and Physical Attacks. A dragon’s breath weapon resembles an area-effect spell and by itself is no better than what low-level spell casters have available. Likewise, the dragon’s natural weapons and armor at higher levels are roughly the equivalent to those of a fighter. However, put the two together, and add abilities like Frightful Presence, and you have a PC who can hold the line like a fighter and also wipe out crowds of minions like a spell caster. Plus there’s just something awesome about dragons.

Even if they were mathematically underpowered, some players would still choose to play them, and many players and NPCs would pay closer attention to what a dragon does than they would an ordinary PC. So can you integrate a dragon PC into a gaming group without stepping on everybody’s toes? As long as you keep these potential issues in mind, and make sure all the PCs have ample time to shine players both standard and dragon should be able to each have their role and have fun.



Chapter 1: Race


Dragon Names

Dragons have personal names in the Draconic language, given by their parents at birth or selected by themselves. Dragons don’t put much emphasis on gender, so the same names are used by both male and female dragons. In addition, most dragons adopt an epithet — a grandiose nickname in the common tongue, which is easier for lesser creatures to understand and remember.

Draconic Names:

Vuthavyth, Valeijgix, Svaergithaustrat, Aussirloex, Haurachmajak, Ixenloreat, Molikethend, Thraethurkear, Ocuirisk, Gixustraterenesj, Dartakepesk, Caexoth.

Common Epithets:

Blacksteel, Bloodtalon, Bravewing, Deathfrost, Fatebringer, Flamingdeath, Gemscale, Nightwind, Starseer, Stoneripper, Stormwrath, Swordtooth.

Backgrounds: The race is designed to be used with the Hatched background.

Hatchling Traits

Ability Score Increase Your Strength and Charisma scores increase by 1.

Age The lifecycle of a dragon has a magical component. You are a dragon wyrmling less than five years old. You will not increase in size unless you take the Dragon class regardless of age. A dragon’s natural lifespan is around 1200 years although some live much longer.

Alignment Dragons tend to the extremes of alignment based on their subtype. You are not typical of your race and may choose any alignment.

Size Your body is about 3ft long with a 3ft neck and 4ft tail. You weigh around 70lbs. Your size is small.

Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Bite You are proficient with your bite. It is a natural melee weapon that deals 1d6 piercing damage.

Dragon Sight: Thanks to your draconic heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see dim light within 60ft as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Dragon Hide You have resistance to the damage type associated with your subtype.

Lair See Chapter 5 Page 11.

Non-Humanoid You are affected by abilities that affect dragons. You are not affected by abilities that affect humanoids and not dragons.
Your claws, cause you to have disadvantage with tools and weapons made for humanoids that you are not proficient with.
Thematically your DM may decide to have you use barding instead of armor (PHB 155).

The Non-Humanoid racial feature and natural weapons and armor means loot won’t be as useful for dragon characters. See the Lair rules to help mitigate this. Increased Size and Flight from the Dragon Class and Sub Classes can complicate adventures. Please be aware before allowing the Dragon Class.

Subtype You choose a subtype from the list below. Your Dragon Breath, Resistance, subtype features, and Dragon class abilities are determined by the subtype you choose.

Subtype Element Feature
Black Acid Amphibious
Blue Lightning Burrow
Brass Fire Burrow
Bronze Lightning Amphibious
Copper Acid +1 INT
Gold Fire Amphibious
Green Poison Amphibious
Red Fire +1 STR
Silver Cold +1 CHA
White Cold +1 CON

Amphibious gives you a swim speed equal to your base movement speed and you may breathe both air and water.
Burrow gives you a burrow speed (MM 8) equal to half of your base movement speed rounded down to the nearest 5ft (10ft burrow speed for a base walking speed of 25ft).

Dragon Breath You have a breath weapon. As an action you may exhale a 5ft wide and 15ft long stream that deals a number of d6 damage of your Element equal to your proficiency modifier (2d6 at lv 1). Enemies caught in the stream may make a DC (8 + Prof + CON) DEX save for half damage on success or full damage on failure. This ability recharges after a short or long rest.

Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic


Chapter 1 | Race

Chapter 2: Class


Creating A Dragon

These rules allow players to build dragons as player characters. Unlike other races, dragons are so powerful that their abilities are spread out over the course of 20 levels — being a dragon is both a race and a class. To create 1st level Dragon character, take the Hatchling racial traits, the hatched background, and one level of the Dragon class.

Draconic heritage

Dragonborn characters could take the Dragon class with DM approval using the following modifications. Their breath weapon changes to the Hatchling breath and they gain both the Bite and non-humanoid Hatchling features.

Quick Build

You can make a Dragon quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Hatchling race and Gold subtype. Third, take the hatched background. Fourth, take your first level in the Dragon class, selecting the Perception and Persuasion skills.

Class Features

As a Dragon, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per dragon level

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Your Constitution Modifier

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Your Constitution Modifier per dragon level after 1st


Armor: None

Weapons: None

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution

Skills: Choose 2 from Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, and Survival


Your choice of a dungeoneer’s or Explorer’s pack.

Innate Magic

Dragons are inherently magical creatures.

Draconic Spell Slots

At 1st level you gain spell slots that power many of your Dragon class abilities. You gain Draconic Spell Slots using your Dragon levels according to the rules for pact magic spell slots (PHB 107). This does not give you the spellcasting class feature but does stack with warlock levels for the purpose of spell slots when multiclassing.

Magical Furnace

At first level you may expend a spell slot instead of a charge of your breath weapon. When you do so you may add one additional damage die per level of spell slot expended (Prof + Spell Slot level) d6.

Alter Shape

At 1st level you gain the ability to polymorph by using your action and expending a Draconic Spell Slot. You may either choose the form of a playable race, or choose the form of a beast from the Find Familiar spell list (PHB 240). Regardless of choice your statistics do not change, you gain no new abilities, and your abilities are limited by the form chosen. This ability lasts until dismissed as an action or you die.


As you gain levels your movement speed and the damage of your natural weapons will increase. If you have a swim, burrow, or flight speed they will increase according to their descriptions as your movement speed increases.

Natural Melee Weapons

Your Bite, Claw, and Tail attacks are intended to be usable with other feats and abilities that require weapons within reason. They are “Natural Melee Weapons” and not unarmed attacks for this reason.


At 1st level you’ve attained the size of a wyrmling gaining the following benefits.

Medium Size: You become a medium sized creature and your base movement speed becomes 30.

Claws: You gain claw attacks. Two natural melee weapons you are proficient with that have the light and finesse properties. They deal 1d4 slashing damage and increases damage based on your Dragon level.

Hardened Scales: When not wearing armor your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use certain Dragon specific armor and still gain this benefit.


Chapter 2 | Class

The Dragon
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Bite / Claw / Tail Spell Slots Slot Level
1st +2 Innate Magic, Growth (Wyrmling) 1d10 / 1d4 / – 1 1st
2nd +2 Natural Terrain, Multidexterity 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 1st
3rd +2 Improved Dragon Breath (Expanded), Draconic Archetype 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 2nd
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 2nd
5th +3 Growth(Juvenile),Improved Dragon Breath (Enhanced) 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 3rd
6th +3 Draconic Archetype 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 3rd
7th +3 Improved Dragon Breath(Amplified) 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 4th
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 4th
9th +4 Improved Dragon Breath(Expanded) 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 5th
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 / 1d4 / – 2 5th
11th +4 Draconic Might, Growth (Very Young) 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d8 3 5th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d8 3 5th
13th +5 Wellspring of Power, Treasure Sense 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d8 3 5th
14th +5 Draconic Archetype 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d8 3 5th
15th +5 Improved Dragon Breath (Enhanced) 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d8 3 5th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d8 3 5th
17th +6 Growth (Young), Improved Dragon Breath (Expanded) 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d10 4 5th
18th +6 Archetype Feature 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d10 4 5th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d10 4 5th
20th +6 Growth (Adult) 2d6 / 1d6 / 1d10 4 5th


At 5th level you grow to the size of a juvenile dragon.

Maw: Your bite attack gains the heavy, reach 10ft, and two handed properties.

Multi-Attack: At 5th level when you take the attack action on your turn with a natural weapon you may make two claw attacks as a bonus action. These claw attacks count as two weapon fighting’s off hand attack.

Very Young

At 11th level you grow to the size of a Very Young dragon.

Heightened Senses: Your darkvision increases to 120ft. You gain blindsight to 10ft. With blindsight you can sense creatures, objects, and terrain as long as they aren’t hidden from your senses of hearing and smell. Sensing this way counts as sight for combat, spells, and abilities.

Tail: You gain a tail attack. It is a natural melee weapon you are proficient with and has the finesse and reach 15ft properties. It deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage and its damage increases at higher levels


At 17th level you grow to the size of a Young dragon.

Frightful Presence: When you take the attack action you may choose a number of creatures, within 60ft, up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Each chosen creature must make a DC (8+Prof+Cha) WIS save or be frightened for 1 minute. A frightened creature may repeat the save to end the effects at the end of each of its turns. Each creature forced to make a save is immune to future uses of this ability for 24 hours. This ability recharges after a short or long rest and you may recharge it by expending a Draconic Spell Slot

Large Size: You become a Large creature and your base movement speed becomes 35.


At 20th level you grow to the size of an adult dragon.

Huge Size: You become a huge creature and your base movement speed becomes 40.

Maturity: The current and maximum value of each of your ability scores increases by 2 to a maximum of 22.

Sense Mastery: Your blindsight increases to 60ft.


Chapter 2 | Class

Natural Terrain

At 2nd level you’ve fully adapted to your natural terrain. You gain immunity to your subtype Element and Green Dragons gain immunity to the poisoned condition. While in the terrain of your subtype, difficult terrain from the environment doesn’t cost extra movement and have advantage on ability checks related to the terrain.

Subtype Terrain
Black Bog/Swamp
Blue Desert
Brass Desert
Bronze Coastal
Copper Mountain
Gold Cavern/Underdark
Green Forest/Jungle
Red Mountain
Silver Mountain
White Arctic/Tundra


At 2nd level when you engage in Two-Weapon Fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second Attack.

Improved Dragon Breath

The fearsome breath of the dragon. Your breath weapon increases in power and can gain new properties as you gain levels in the dragon class.


At 3rd, 9th, and 17th level the shape of your breath weapon improves based on your subtype

Subtype 3rd 9th 17th
Black 5 by 30ft line 10 by 45ft line 10 by 90ft line
Blue 5 by 30ft line 5 by 90ft line 5 by 180ft line
Brass 5 by 30ft line 10 by 45ft line 10 by 90ft line
Bronze 5 by 30ft line 5 by 90ft line 5 by 180ft line
Copper 5 by 30ft line 10 by 45ft line 10 by 90ft line
Gold 20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone
Green 20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone
Red 20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone
Silver 20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone
White 20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone


At 5th and 15th level your breath weapon gains a feature you may choose to use based on your subtype. At 5th level when you expend a spell slot to use the Magical Furnace ability you may modify your breath weapon in the following manner.

Subtype Feature
Black Linger
Blue Arc
Brass Ball
Bronze Arc
Copper Linger
Gold Ball
Green Poison
Red Ball
Silver Freeze
White Freeze

Arc: After you use your breath weapon, all enemies within 5ft of a creature that failed their save also require a save against your breath weapon for half damage on failure or no damage on success. Each creature may only suffer the effects of your breath weapon once each round.

Ball: Instead of your normal breath you may choose a surface that you can see within 120ft. The shape of your breath weapon is now a sphere of 5ft + your Dragon level rounded down to the nearest five feet centered on the point of impact (25ft radius sphere at Dragon level 20).

Freeze: Until the start of your next turn the area affected by your breath weapon becomes difficult terrain.

Linger: Until the start of your next turn, each creature that moves through the breath weapons area of effect suffers the effects of your breath weapon. Each creature may only suffer the effects of your breath weapon once each round.

Poison: Creatures who fail their save gain the poisoned condition. They may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns to remove the effect.

At 15th level when you expend a spell slot to use the Magical Furnace ability, you may modify your breath weapon in the following manner. Each creature forced to make a save against this modification is immune to future uses of this modification for 24 hours.

Subtype Feature
Black Controlled Breathing
Blue Controlled Breathing
Brass Sleep
Bronze Push
Copper Slow
Gold Weaken
Green Controlled Breathing
Red Controlled Breathing
Silver Paralyze
White Controlled Breathing


Chapter 2 | Class

Controlled Breathing: For the next minute you may add 1d6 damage of your Element type to your bite attacks.

Sleep: Instead of damage, creatures who fail their save fall unconscious for 1 minute. Any damage or using an action to shake them will awaken them. A number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) may be affected at once. Creatures that don’t sleep or are immune to exhaustion are immune to this ability.

Push: In addition to the normal effects of the breath all creatures who failed their save get pushed back 30ft and are knocked prone. Otherwise they are pushed back 10ft. Creatures who ignore damage on a successful save also ignore the 10ft push.

Slow: In addition to the normal effects of the breath all creatures who failed their save become slowed as per the spell (PHB 276), except the maximum number of creatures affected is equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) instead of six and you do not need concentration to maintain the effects.

Weaken: In addition to the normal effects all creature who failed their save gain the weakened condition for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This effect is identical to the poisoned condition (PHB 292) but is not considered a poison. A creature may make a Constitution save against your breaths save DC at the end of its turn to remove the effects.

Paralyze: Instead of damage, creatures who fail their save become paralyzed for 1 minute. A number of creatures you choose, up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), may be affected at once. A creature may make a Constitution save against your breaths save DC at the end of each of its turn to remove the effects.


At 7th level when you use your breath weapon and roll the maximum value for a die you may roll one additional damage die and add the number to the total. You may add a maximum number of additional dice equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Draconic Might

At 11th level you may use a bonus action to attempt to recharge your Dragon Breath. To do so roll a d6 and on a 5 or 6 your breath weapon recharges. You may also recharge your breath weapon by resting for one minute.

Treasure Sense

At 13th level you can smell and taste the differences between precious minerals such as ores and gems. You have advantage on checks related to locating or appraising precious minerals.

Wellspring of Power

At 13th level you gain an additional Draconic Spell Slot that functions like your other spell slots except the slots level is determined as follows.

Dragon level Slot level
13-14 7th
15-16 8th
17+ 9th


Chapter 2 | Class

Draconic Archetype

In myths and legends, dragons take on many roles. The three archetypes represent different ways dragons are shown in myths and legend. At 3rd Level you choose a draconic archetype.

Land Wyrm

Wingless giants, Land (Wyrms/Wurms) embody primordial forces. That hill on the horizon could in reality be a sleeping green Land Wyrm. They can either be guardians or savage beasts depending on what kind of Land Wyrm you encounter.

Sleeping Hills

From 3rd level your HD in the Dragon class increase from D10 to D12. You gain four maximum HP from this change. You also gain the following ability. While stationary you gain proficiency in stealth. If you already had proficiency you double your bonus (Expertise).


At 6th level when you succeed at grappling a creature or shoving a creature prone, you may deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 for each size category they are smaller than you.

Powerful Build

At 14th level you count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity, the weight you can push, drag, or lift. You also count as one size larger than your current size when using Draconic abilities based on your size.


At 18th level when you successfully grapple a creature at least two sizes smaller than you, you may swallow them. Swallowed creatures have total cover, are blind, and occupy your space even when you move. At the start of their turn they take 2d6 Bludgeoning damage and 2d6 Acid damage. To escape they must succeed at a grapple check against you and on success enter the nearest unoccupied space and are no longer swallowed. You may have only one live swallowed creature at a time.

Lung Dragon

The Lung Dragon archetype embodies the elemental and mystical aspects of dragons. These dragons are often spiritual embodiments of mountains and lakes. Most dragons in oriental adventures will choose this archetype.


At 3rd level you gain a magical flight speed equal to your base movement speed and the Hover (PHB 191) ability.


At 6th level you may use your reaction when you or an ally within 30ft makes a saving throw, ability check, or attack roll. You roll a d20 and the player may choose to use the results of the original roll or the Fortune roll. You may choose to use this ability after the original roll but before results have been determined. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum 1) and regain all uses after a long rest

Deity of Seas and Mountains

At 14th level you cast the following spells as ritual spells based on the terrain you are currently in (if you are in a forest you have access to the Forest and Any terrain spells). You do not need material components for the spell, Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells, and if it doesn’t normally have the ritual tag it does for you. You gain no other features from this ability.

Terrain Spells
Any Animal Messenger, Control Water
Arctic/Tundra Protection from Energy
Bog/Swamp Water Walk
Cavern/Underdark Stone Shape
Coastal/Water Water Breathing
Desert Hallucinatory Terrain
Forest/Jungle Plant Growth
Mountain Meld Into Stone


At 18th level as an action you restore one spell slot of up to 5th level and restore up to 5 times your Wisdom modifier (minimum 5) hit points. Any creatures you choose within 30ft also receive these benefits. You may use this ability once per long rest.

Psionic Dragon

Gem Dragons are the most common of Psionic Dragons. Using powerful Psionics to delve into and collect the secrets of the planes.


At 3rd level your wings grant you a flight speed equal to twice your base movement speed. You may not fly in armor you are not proficient in or armor that doesn’t accommodate your wings. Your flight speed is halved in armor that imposes a disadvantage to stealth.


At 6th level you gain the spellcasting (Psionic) feature. You know a number of spells equal to your Proficiency Bonus from the following spells known lists based on your subtype and they require no spell components to cast. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence and your save DC is (8 + Proficiency Bonus + Intelligence Modifier). You may change your spells known when you level.


Chapter 2 | Class

Subtype Spells Known
Amethyst Blink, Control Water, Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Globe of Invulnerability, Protection from Good and Evil, Sending, Tensor’s Floating Disk, Unseen Servant
Crystal Dancing Lights, Guidance, Command, Divination, Greater Restoration, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Lesser Restoration
Emerald Mage hand (invisible), Minor Illusion, Detect Thoughts, Dispel Magic, Etherialness, Invisibility, Major Image, Mirage arcane, Hallucinatory Terrain, Mislead
Sapphire Alarm, Dissonant Whispers, Hold Monster, Hold Person, Meld into Stone, Telekenesis, Teleport, Tensor’s Floating Disk
Topaz Antilife Shell, Bane, Control Water, Create or Destroy Water, Dispel Magic, Fabricate, Protection from Good and Evil
Other Mage Hand (invisible), Contorl Water, Dispel magic, Invisibility, Protection from Good and Evil, Tensor’s Floating Disk, Rary’s Telepathic Bond

Improved Alter Shape

At 14th level your Alter Shape is improved into the following. You gain the ability to polymorph by using a bonus action. You may either reduce your size to a minimum of small, or polymorph into a creature you choose of equal or smaller size. Regardless of choice your statistics do not change, you gain no new abilities, and your abilities are limited by the form chosen. This ability lasts until dismissed as a bonus action or you die.

Psychic Step

At 18th level as a bonus action you may magically teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60ft. Additionally Plane Shift is added to your known spells list and requires no spell components to cast.

True Dragon

This archetype is the prototypical dragon in the Monster Manual. The evil red dragon setting fire to a village is likely this type of Dragon.


At 3rd level your wings grant you a flight speed equal to twice your base movement speed. You may not fly in armor you are not proficient in or armor that doesn’t accommodate your wings. Your flight speed is halved in armor that imposes a disadvantage to stealth.

Wing Buffet

At 6th level as an action you may use your wings to create powerful winds. Each creature within 15ft must succeed at a (8+Str+Prof) STR save or be knocked prone.

Tail Sweep

At 14th level when you make a tail attack, a creature that takes damage must make a (8 + damage dealt) STR save or be knocked prone. If the target fails its save you may use a bonus action to make an additional tail attack against a different target.

Reservoir of Fury

At 18th level when you roll initiative and have no spell slots you regain one spell slot of up to 5th level.


Chapter 3 | Background

Chapter 3: Background


Dragons hatch from eggs and begin life as wyrmlings; miniature dragons that are as cute as they are deadly. Many are raised by their dragon parents, but some are fostered by other creatures, others are simply left to wander and fend for themselves. In your case, you’ve already spent considerable time around humanoids. This early exposure left you with an understanding of humanoid ways and a willingness to adventure that most of your dragon kin lack.

SKILL PROFICIENCY: Insight and your choice of any two skills or tools

Language: One language of humanoids you were raised by or have socialized with

Equipment: Shiny baubles worth 5 silver that you are loathe to part with, and a dragon harness (see the Draconic Equipment section).

Feature: Dragon Kin

While territorial, dragons of the same type feel a certain kinship towards each other. If they don’t see you as a threat, Dragons of your color will freely share information. Depending on the dragon’s disposition they may then warn you from entering their territory, or invite you to a meal and conversation.

Suggested Characteristics

Dragons are creatures with strong and prominent personalities. Even those of the highest good are proud, often to the point of arrogance. The nice ones try not to be rude about it, they just know they are better than other creatures. All dragons crave treasure, which can seem greedy to lesser beings. Other characteristics can vary considerably, tending towards what most humanoids would consider extreme or eccentric.

d8 Humanoid Relationships
1 You hatched, and there was no-one around, so you just wandered into the nearest village.
2 You were the runt of the clutch. Your siblings forced you to leave your dragon parents’ lair.
3 An adventurer came upon your clutch just as you were hatching, and adopted you.
4 Your egg was stolen by a cruel master who wanted a dragon servant.
5 You and your dragon parents never saw eye-to-eye. You left home to live with the humanoids as an act of rebellion.
6 As part of an ancient pact, you are to be raised by the great-great-grandchild of a humanoid your dragon parents helped to raise.
7 You believe it is your destiny to protect those weaker than you, so you sought them out.
8 Your dragon parents have a scheme to infiltrate human civilization, and you are their willing agent.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I’ll talk your ear off if you let me.
2 I love the arts — music, poetry, theater.
3 I eat constantly and love to try new foods.
4 I’m incredibly lazy. When you live for over 1,000 years, what’s the big hurry?
5 I like to admire and show off my treasure.
6 I always talk down to people, and I don’t understand why this bothers them, since I am clearly superior.
7 Jokes, puns, and riddles are my primary language.
8 Anger, joy, sorrow, passion — I express emotions freely and have wild mood swings.
d6 Ideal
1 Greed. My only concern is to grow my treasure hoard. (Evil)
2 Curiosity. I want to experience all that life has to offer. (Chaotic)
3 Independence. Everyone should do what they want, and not be beholden to anyone else. (Chaotic)
4 Knowledge. Information is the most valuable treasure. (Neutral)
5 Noble Obligation. I must protect and care for those weaker than me. (Good)
6 Honor. I must act as befitting one of my high station. (Lawful)
d6 Bond
1 One of my humanoid friends is guarding my treasure horde while I travel.
2 I find humanoids most fascinating, and think one will make a good pet.
3 I seek revenge against a more powerful creature.
4 I have learned a secret clue to the location of a great treasure hoard.
5 Humanoids are weak, and need my protection.
6 I will prove to everyone that I am the wisest and most powerful.
d6 Flaw
1 All treasure is rightfully mine. All of it.
2 I find humanoids most delicious.
3 Those who insult me must submit or die.
4 Why tell the truth when a lie will suffice?
5 I put myself in harm’s way to protect weaker creatures, which is just about everyone.
6 Everyone is beneath me. They should defer to my wishes.


Chapter 3 | Background


Most humanoid items aren’t fit for a dragons use. Here are a few examples of items appropriate for a dragon.


Dragon Harness:

This harness has many hooks and rings to attach equipment to. It allows a Dragon to store 60lbs of equipment and gear without hinderance beyond normal weight encumbrance. Optionally it can be outfitted with a saddle. 8GP 10lbs

Draconic Breastplate:

It’s statistics are Breastplate Barding that imparts a +1 shield bonus to AC instead of it’s normal AC. It cannot be combined with any other armor or a shield but does impart it’s AC bonus in addition to the Hardened Scales ability. (PHB 145,155) 1600GP 40lbs

Draconic War Plate:

It’s statistics are Half Plate Barding that imparts a +2 shield bonus to AC instead of it’s normal AC. It cannot be combined with any other armor or a shield but does impart it’s AC bonus in addition to the Hardened Scales ability. (PHB 145,155) 3000GP 80lbs


Aegis War Plate (rare)

The wearer of this magical Draconic War Plate has resistance to the damage of draconic breath weapons.

Amulet of supremacy (legendary)

When you use your breath weapon you may expend a charge of your amulet. If you do so you may reroll a number of damage dice equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum 1) and you negate enemies resistance to the element of your breath weapon. This item holds 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charge at the start of each day. (Requires attunement)

Gorget of Necromancy (Very Rare)

When you expend a Draconic Spell Slot and use your breath weapon on corpses, the corpses come back to life as per the animate dead spell (PHB 212-213), except you may only control a number of undead equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) when using this ability. When the spell expires you may expend one Draconic Spell Slot to maintain control of the undead for another 24 hours.

Gorget of Reckoning (Rare)

Once per long rest you may use an action to mark a target you can see. The mark negates evasion when you use your breath weapon. You also know the direction towards the marked enemy as long as they are on the same plane as you. Using this ability unmarks any enemy you have previously marked. (Requires attunement)

Pearl of Grace (Very Rare)

When you use your breath weapon you may choose to activate the pearl. If you do so your breath deals no damage. Instead any corpse engulfed in your breath gains the effects of the raise dead spell and any living creature gains the effects of the Greater Restoration spell. The pearl is consumed when activated.

Talon Sheath +1-3 (uncommon to very rare)

Ornamental sheaths cover the dragons claws and impart a bonus to hit and damage rolls to claw attacks.


Chapter 4 | Draconic Equipment

Chapter 5: Optional Rules

Draconic Feats

Arctic Traveler (Requires White Hatchling Subtype)

You gain the Burrow Hatchling feature and a swim speed equal to your base movement speed.

Climber (Requires Copper or Red Hatchling Subtype)

You gain +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. You gain a climb speed equal to your base movement speed.

Humanoid Familiarization

You gain proficiency with Light and Medium armor. You may also choose one language and one tool proficiency associated with the humanoids you have familiarized yourself with.

As stated earlier, barding and armor proficiencies are intended to be interchangeable and are different for primarily thematic reasons.

Origin of Sorcery

You may add half of your Dragon class levels (rounded up) to any spellcasting class for which you have the spellcasting class feature for the purposes of cantrips and spells prepared or known (PHB 164). Additionally you may gain the Sorcerer’s spellcasting class feature except you do not gain spell slots. If you have the Lung Dragon’s Deity of Seas and Mountains feature you may gain the Druid’s spellcasting class feature instead of the Sorcerer’s spellcasting class feature but still gain no spell slots. You gain no other class features from this power.

Spell Resistance

When forced to make a save against a spell or subject to damage from a spell, you may use a Reaction and expend a Draconic Spell Slot to gain advantage on saving throws against spells and gain resistance to the damage of spells until the start of your next turn.

Subterranean Ambusher (Requires burrow speed)

You Burrow Speed increases to your base movement speed and you gain Tremorsense (MM 9) to a distance equal to your Burrow Speed. While burrowed other creatures on the surface provoke an Attack of Opportunity when they leave your reach despite total cover. You emerge from the ground as part of the opportunity attack if you use this ability.

Tunneller (Requires burrow speed)

Your Burrow Speed increases to your base movement speed, you may Burrow through solid rock at half your Burrow Speed, and you may leave a tunnel in your wake with a diameter equal to 5ft for each size category you are over small (5ft diameter for medium size).

Modified Feats

Tavern Brawler

In addition to the normal effects of this feat, when you hit a creature with a Natural Melee Weapon on your turn, you may use a Bonus Action to attempt to grapple the target.


Chapter 5 | Optional Rules


Dragon PC’s may feel left out during item rewards due to their class and race. You can use lair rules to help alleviate the issue.

In order to establish a lair a dragon must have unhindered access to, and spend a long rest in, the area designated as a lair. After attunement a Dragon gains certain bonuses listed below based on how much treasure they leave in their lair as a horde. Precious or magic items count toward the horde total and the GM has full discretion over what is precious and the gp value of magic items.

Horde value lair feature Maximum lair size
Attunement 4,000 cubic feet
500gp Sanctuary 10,000 cubic feet
2,000gp Legendary Actions 25,000 cubic feet
5,000gp Attunement 50,000 cubic feet
50,000gp Legendary Resistance 100,000 cubic feet
200,000gp Teleport 200,000 cubic feet
500,000gp Legendary Actions half gp cubic feet


After establishing a lair you may attune yourself to it as per a magic item. While attuned, as long as you are on the same plane of existence and both you and the lair have access to magic you gain the benefit of your lair features.

0gp: If you have any magical weapons in your horde, your natural weapon attacks are magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance.

5,000gp: You may attune magic items in your horde as if they were on your person. Your DM has full discretion on how such items work for you. All items in your lairs treasure horde count as on your person for the purpose of spell components. An illusory embodiment of the object appears when necessary.


You may reroll any hit dice used to heal. You must use the new value.

Legendary Actions

Once per round within your lair or once per short or long rest using Attunement, you may take a legendary action. This action takes place at your initiative – 10.

2,000gp: You may use your legendary action to make an ability or skill check.

500,000gp: You may use your legendary action to take a bonus action or make a single tail attack.

Legendary Resistance

You add half (rounded down) of your proficiency bonus to saving throws you aren’t proficient with.


Your lair counts as a teleportation circle for you and you may expend a draconic spell slot to cast Teleportation Circle as per the spell (PHB 282) with the destination of your lair.


Chapter 5 | Optional Rules

Gem Dragons

Generally these solitary dragons stay aloof and neutral in the worlds affairs. They like to stick to the inner planes scouring for secrets and finding glimmering gems to add to their hoards.

Gem Hatchling Subtypes

Subtype Element Feature
Amethyst Force Amphibious
Crystal Radiant Burrow
Emerald Psychic Burrow
Sapphire Thunder Burrow
Topaz Necrotic Amphibious

Natural Terrain Becomes Shimmering Light

Instead of the Natural Terrain feature each Dragon gains a resistance based on their subtype. Additionally once per day you may cast Clairovoyance as per the spell with the following changes. The spell requires no material component and limited to a source of an element based on your subtype. For example an Emerald Dragon could listen to the conversation of a group of advernturers through the campfire they surround.

Subtype Resistance Clairovoyance
Amethyst Psychic Water
Crystal Cold Ice/Crystal
Emerald Fire Fire
Sapphire Lightning Stone
Topaz Cold Water

Expanded Breath

Expanded breath for each subtype

5th 11th 17th
20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone

Enhanced Breath

At 5th and 15th level your breath weapon gains a feature you may choose to use based on your subtype. At 5th level when you expend a spell slot to use the Magical Furnace ability you may modify your breath weapon in the following manner.

Subtype Feature
Amethyst Singularity Breath
Crystal Scintillating Breath
Emerald Disorienting Breath
Sapphire Debilitating Breath
Topaz Desiccating Breath

Singularity Breath: In addition to damage each creature that fails their save has their speed reduced to zero until the end of their next turn.

Scintillating Breath: In addition to the normal effects of your breath you also gain one temporary HP per Dragon Level that last until you take a short or long rest.

Disorienting Breath: In addition to damage creatures that fail their save suffer the following effect until the end of their next turn. When they make a attack roll or ability check they must also roll a d6 and reduce the total by the number rolled.

Debilitating Breath: In addition to damage creatures taht fail their save are incapacitated until the end of their next turn.

Desiccating Breath: In addition to damage, creatures that fail their save are weakened. Until the end of their next turn they have disadvantage on Strength ability checks and saving throws and deals have damage with strength based attacks.

At 15th you may use the following Breath feature as a Bonus Action. You cannot use this feature and another breath attack in the same round.

Subtype Feature
Amethyst Explosive Crystal
Crystal Starlight Strike
Emerald Emerald Embers
Sapphire Telekenetic Fling
Topaz Essential Reduction

Explosive Crystal: Instead of your normal breath area you may choose point that you can see within 60ft. The shape of your breath weapon is now a 20ft radius sphere centered on that point. This attack deals only half the normal damage dice (rounded down) of your breath attack but each creature that fails it’s save is knocked prone.

Starlight Strike: A creature within 60ft must save against the effects of your breath weapon.

Emerald Embers: A creature within 60ft must save against the effects of your breath weapon except the damage is Fire.

Telekenetic Fling: A creature within 60ft must save against the effects of your breath weapon except the damage is Bludgeoning.

Essential Reduction: A creature within 60ft must save against the effects of your breath weapon and if it’s HP are reduced to 0 it crumbles to dust.

Gem Feats

Gravity Master (Requires Amathyst Subtype)

You gain the hover feature and are immune to prone.


Chapter 5 | Optional Rules

Modified Draconic Feats

Climber (Requires Crystal or Sapphire Subtype)

Other Dragon Types

Here are rules for variant dragon types should the Player and Game Master agree to allow play with dragon types beyond the standard chromatic and metallic dragons


Coutl are feathered serpents. These dragons are generally good and are divine in nature.

Core Changes

To make a Coutl choose the Amathyst Dragon Subtype and the Psionic Dragon Archetype. Modify the Dragon in the following way.


You gain the Celestial Language.


You gain the Crystal Subtype’s Spell List instead of the Amathyst Subtype’s.


Moonstone Dragons are dragons from the fey realm

Core Changes

To make a Moonstone Dragon choose your Background and subtype as normal, then take the Psionic Dragon Archetype. Modify the Dragon in the following way.


You gain the Sylvan Language.


Dragon Hide becomes Fey Touched You are immune to the Charmed condition.

Subtype Element- Moonlight Breath: Regardless of Subtype chosen, your Element is Radient and counts as Moonlight.

Natural Terrain becomes Feywild Dreaming When within 120ft of a creature that is asleep, in trance, or in reverie the dragon can speak with them telepathically and they remember the conversation when they awaken

Enhanced Breath

level Feature
Lv15 Sleep

Psionic: You gain the following spells known list instead of the list based on your subtype.

Spells Known
Banishment(to Plane of Dreams only), Calm Emotions, Dispel Magic, Fearie Fire, Invisibility, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Revivify, True Seeing

Shadow Dragon

Shadow dragons are dragons that hail from the Shadowfell.

Core Changes

Create a Hatchling and choose a Subtype as normal. Modify your chosen Subtype to Shadow. Your Element becomes Necrotic.


Expanded Breath

Subtype 5th 11th 17th
Shadow 5 by 30ft line 10 by 45ft line 10 by 90ft line

Natural Terrain

Subtype Terrain
Shadow Darkness

Enhanced Breath

Level Subtype Feature
Lv5 Shadow Linger
Lv15 Shadow Corrupt

Corrupt: In addition to the normal effects of the breath, creatures reduced to 0HP from the breaths damage you choose become Shadows (MM 269). You may create and control a maximum number of Shadows including Shadows your Shadows create equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You must expend a Draconic Spell Slot at the end of any short or long rest to maintain control of these Shadows. Any Shadows that are created in this way that you do not control are hostile to you and all nearby life. You may destroy any shadows you control as an action.

Spell Resistance becomes Living Shadow

While in darkness or dim light you may expend a draconic spell slot and use a reaction to gain resistance to all damage except force, psychic, and radiant until the start of your next turn.

Subterranean Ambush becomes Shadow Stealth

You do not need a burrow speed to take the ability and the ability changes to the following. You gain proficiency in stealth while in darkness or dim light. If you already had proficiency you double your bonus (Expertise). You also gain the ability to hide in shadow as a bonus action.


Chapter 5 | Optional Rules

Dragon Turtle

Dragon Turtles are dragon kin and not true dragons. They are still fearsome beasts in their own right.

Core Changes

You may choose the Turtle subtype when creating a Hatchling. You gain Aquan as a bonus language. Enemies do not have resistance to your (steam) breath from being under water. You may not choose the True Dragon Archetype.

Subtype Element Feature
Turtle Fire Amphibious


Enhanced Breath

Subtype Feature
Turtle Linger

Expanded Breath

Subtype 5th 11th 17th
Turtle 20ft cone 30ft cone 45ft cone

Natural Terrain

Subtype Terrain
Turtle Water

Flexible Breath

Subtype Feature
Turtle Amplify


Chapter 5 | Optional Rules


Ability Score Minimum

There is no minimum ability score. Instead you must be the Hatchling race or the Dragonborne race (with DM approval) to multiclass to and from the Dragon class.

Proficiencies Gained


Hardened Scales

You may use Unarmored Defense or Hardened Scales but not both.

Extra Attack

Multi-Attack is not extra attack. You may use both abilities.

Draconic Spell Slots

You determine your available spell slots by adding together all your levels in Warlock and Dragon. Use the total to determine your spell slots using the Slot Level table in the Dragon class page. You may use your Draconic spell slots to cast spells from any class for which you know or prepare spells and you can use the spell slots you gain from other classes to power your Magical Furnace ability but not your other Dragon class abilities that require Draconic Spell Slots.


Chapter 5 | Optional Rules

Chapter 6: Acknowledgements

This is all based on a 5e homebrew of the “Codex Draconicus” by /u/djasonwright

And his work is based upon “Player Character Dragons” by William J. Scott III which is where most of the flavor text comes from

There are also strong influences from previous versions of DnD Monster manuals and the Draconomicon by Andy Collins, Skip Williams, and James Wyatt.

This document was created using the hombrewery


© 2017 /u/assassinace


Major update to abilities levels and locations. Including natural weapons scaling, size progression, and breath weapons.

Changed Qoutl modifications.

Added Moonstone Dragons optional type.

Other minor spelling and grammatical fixes.

Last Updated 2/21/22

Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- Share Alike 3.0 License.


Kanō Hōgai – Two Dragons in Clouds,_Japanese_-_Two_Dragons_in_Clouds_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg

Albrecht Dürer – St. George and the Dragon

The MET – Peytral, chest defense


Chapter 6 | Acknowledgements